We are hiring, join our team!

Would you like to combine work and study? Are you looking for a motivating Master Thesis? Are you a person with initiative, willing to learn and eager to apply your knowledge for a good purpose? We are hiring, join our team! The ABLE project was selected by the CaixaImpulse Programme 2017 with the support of EIT Health. This project is now under development and the project team is looking for a computer scientist, and mechanical and electronic engineering students to develop the commercial prototype of [...]

The ABLE project has been selected to participate in the CaixaImpulse Programme 2017

A robotic lower limb exoskeleton to promote functional walking recovery of patients with spinal cord injuries, created by the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), is one of the 23 biomedical research projects selected in the third edition of the CaixaImpulse Programme, organized by "la Caixa" Foundation and Caixa Capital Risc, to promote the transfer of knowledge in biomedicine to market and society, with the creation of biotechnological companies. Project description Every year, around the world, between 250.000 and [...]

New article of the lab on running gait impact dynamics

One of the research lines of the Biomechanical Engineering Lab at CREB is the study of the foot-ground contact dynamics. The impact of the foot with the ground is a critical event when it is running. The high contact forces developed are the main cause of energy loss during the movement and can lead to different musculoskeletal injuries. There are a number of runners that consider whether it is better to run with forefoot or heel impact. Based on the experimental data obtained in [...]

Outreach activities of BIOMEC Lab 2016-2017

Now that the academic year 2016-2017 has finished, it’s time to remember and summarize the outreach activities organized by the BIOMEC Lab team during this course. ETSEIB-UPC Open Doors Day On April 1st the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB) organized the Open Doors Day, which provided a chance for future students to find out more about the university. The session was divided in two parts: first, a welcome speech presenting the school and its curricula given by Neus Consul, Dean of the university, [...]

2017-12-14T17:00:57+01:00August 25th, 2017|ETSEIB, News, Outreach, University|0 Comments

Evaluation of gait symmetry in paediatric patients with hemiparesis

Belén Hidalgo presented her Master’s thesis entitled “Gait kinematics and symmetry in patients with hemiparesis using an audio feedback device” on December 16th at University of Zaragoza. The work corresponds to the Master’s Program in Biomedical Engineering from that university, and has been carried out during Belén’s 6-month stay at the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC). The project has been developed in collaboration with Sant Joan de Déu - Barcelona Children's Hospital (HSJD) and the company Draco Systems. The clinical staff, from the Department of Rehabilitation and Physical [...]

Focal vibration device for the rehabilitation of patients with SCI

Alfons Carnicero, Master’s student of the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC), defended his Master’s thesis “Development of a vibrating device to enhance gait in patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries” on October 26th at ETSEIB (UPC) achieving the maximum grade. His work was carried out at Institut Guttmann, a worldwide leading neurorehabilitation hospital from Badalona, as part of the hospital’s research line on non-invasive stimulation. The device applies mechanical vibrations to specific lower limb muscles to activate the skeletal and neuromuscular systems, which might improve functional [...]

Two papers presented at the Meeting of the ESB Spanish Chapter

On October 24th and 25th, the VI Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Society in Biomechanics (ESB) took place in the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Extremadura in Badajoz. The Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) presented two papers and chaired a session. Míriam Febrer presented a pilot study in collaboration with Sant Joan de Déu Hospital that addresses if the use of an auditory feedback device can improve the gait pattern of paediatric patients with hemiparesis. Josep Maria Font presented the [...]

BIOMEC participated in ICNR 2016 and WeRob 2016 in Segovia

Members of the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) attended the 3rd International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR 2016) and the 2nd International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob 2016), held in La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia) from October 18th to 21st, 2016. ICNR was focused in current state-of-the-art and future trends in neural rehabilitation, while WeRob addressed novel approaches in technology for wearable robots in the clinical field. The Lab presented the last work developed in the framework of the HYBOR project, funded by MINECO. The photo on the left [...]

2017-11-29T17:32:03+01:00November 27th, 2016|Conference, Conference Paper, Exoskeleton, General, News, Simulation|2 Comments

BIOMEC researchers attended the Cybathlon Symposium in Zürich

On October 6th, Josep Maria Font and Florian Stuhlenmiller attended the Cybathlon Symposium in Zürich. That symposium brought together leading experts and young researchers that presented recent technological advances within the six disciplines of the Cybathlon: Brain-Computer Interfaces, Functional Electrical Stimulation, Powered Arm Prosthetics, Powered Leg Prosthetics, Powered Exoskeletons and Powered Wheelchairs. This symposium featured six keynotes by leading researchers and short presentations by young talents. A roundtable discussion involving end-users, patient and industry representatives, and an ethics researcher closed the event and highlighted opportunities and challenges in [...]

2017-11-29T17:32:03+01:00November 5th, 2016|Conference, Design, Exoskeleton, News|0 Comments

CREB fellows visited the BIOMEC Lab

On September 29th the Biomechanical Engineering Lab received the fellow members from other divisions of the UPC Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering, with the aim of showing them the work done at the lab. The event started with Josep Maria Font introducing the BIOMEC group, along with the past and current projects developed by the team. He was then followed by Rosa Pàmies, who gave a tutorial about dynamic analysis and simulation of human movement. She gave an overall view on inverse and forward dynamic [...]

2017-11-29T17:32:03+01:00October 14th, 2016|CREB, News|0 Comments
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