The UPC Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB) presented ten different projects about Innovative Bio Technologies at FabCafe Barcelona (C/ Bailén, 11) during two FabMeetup sessions, held on February 15th and May 25th. FabMeetups are casual events to meet creative and entrepreneur people, and their objective is to encourage innovation from Barcelona and to promote the creation of new start-ups, products or concepts.
Each participant had 5 minutes to explain its idea, concept and to eventually present a prototype. The Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) participated with 2 projects on rehabilitation robotics:
- Josep Maria Font presented a robotic exoskeleton to assist the gait of spinal cord injured patients, which is equipped with electrical motors at the knees that substitute the muscles affected by the injury and sensors that detect the user intention.
- Alfons Carnicero presented a focal vibration device for gait neurorehabilitation, which produces a vibratory stimulus to specific lower limb muscles, triggered by event detection during the gait cycle.

The other projects presented by CREB researchers were:
- Zteero: Body-State in your pocket. Device that determines the body composition, the percentage of fat and the muscular mass (Aurora Ortuño, Mariona Carós, Marc Hernández, Albert Marzo).
- Bioprinting human tissues: growing human tissues in bioengineering laboratories, using biomaterials and a 3D printer (Giuseppe Scionti).
- Comprehensive data analysis platform for Omic sciences: web server that executes data analysis algorithms behind a user-friendly interface (Alexandre Perera).
- Hacking excitable cells: introductory reference to low cost do it yourself (DIY) biology, particularly with the most excitable cells, neurons (Xavier Marimón).
- Bioprinted Meat: developing advanced bioprinting technologies able to reproduce the real meat at microscopic level (Giuseppe Scionti).
- BRAINALLY: a cognitive digital platform for improving daily competence in children with intellectual disabilities and neurodevelopmental disorders (Susana de Sola, Dani Tost, Ariel von-Barnekow, Nuria Bonet).
- WOMEN-UP: mobile games and remote medical monitoring for at-home pelvic floor rehabilitation (Miquel Àngel Mañanas, Juan José Ramos).
- Smile@Work: serious games for intellectually disabled persons to train social skills at the workplace (Dani Tost, Ariel von-Barnekow, Nuria Bonet).
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