A proposal from the BIOMEC group was accepted to the OpenSim+ Advanced Workshop!

Researchers of the BIOMEC group, part of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UPC-BarecelonaTech, were selected to participate at the OpenSim+ Advanced Workshop that will take place in Stanford University (CA, USA), this coming March, 2025. Ana Carolina Cardoso De Sousa, Ph.D., Massimo Cenciarini, Ph.D., and Josep Maria Font-Llagunes, Ph.D., together with Carlos Gonçalves, a collaborator from Brazil, submitted a proposal titled "Simulating full-body dynamics in FES rowing: a new musculoskeletal framework for injury prevention and performance". Dr. Cenciarini will spend a few days with a team [...]

The BIOMEC Lab participates in a pioneering project to introduce exoskeletons to the automotive industry

The use of exoskeletons in automotive industrial production processes can reduce the muscular effort of workers by up to 60%. This figure is derived from a study, driven by the Cluster of the Automotive Industry of Catalonia (CIAC), in a controlled environment with Nissan and Meleghy Automotive workers who have tested exoskeletons in the lower limb area, in maintained positions. In addition to the entities mentioned above, the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UPC, the Catalan Institute of [...]

2019-05-06T20:25:02+02:00February 15th, 2019|Exoskeleton, News, Project, Spinal cord injury, University|0 Comments

BIOMEC appears in the TV programme Deuwatts

On May 28th, the BIOMEC Lab appeared in the TV programme Deuwatts of Betevé related to Biomedical Engineering in Catalan universities and institutes. The programme counted with the participation of other groups of the UPC Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB), and colleagues from UPF BCN MedTech and IBEC. In this programme, Josep Maria Font explained the research of the group on the ABLE project. The programme is posted below or you can also access it through the following link.    

BIOMEC receives one of the five OpenSim Outstanding Researcher Award 2017

Josep Maria Font received in October 2017 one of the five “Outstanding Researcher Award”, given by the National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation (NCSRR), for the project “Personalized robotic exoskeleton controller design for assisted walking”, in collaboration with Dr. B.J. Fregly (RCNL, Rice University). This award has permitted the BIOMEC Lab to participate in the Advanced Users Workshop organized by OpenSim at Stanford (Palo Alto, California), between the 28th and the 30th of March 2018. It has been a great opportunity to interact with OpenSim [...]

We are hiring, join our team!

Would you like to combine work and study? Are you looking for a motivating Master Thesis? Are you a person with initiative, willing to learn and eager to apply your knowledge for a good purpose? We are hiring, join our team! The ABLE project was selected by the CaixaImpulse Programme 2017 with the support of EIT Health. This project is now under development and the project team is looking for a computer scientist, and mechanical and electronic engineering students to develop the commercial prototype of [...]

The ABLE project has been selected to participate in the CaixaImpulse Programme 2017

A robotic lower limb exoskeleton to promote functional walking recovery of patients with spinal cord injuries, created by the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), is one of the 23 biomedical research projects selected in the third edition of the CaixaImpulse Programme, organized by "la Caixa" Foundation and Caixa Capital Risc, to promote the transfer of knowledge in biomedicine to market and society, with the creation of biotechnological companies. Project description Every year, around the world, between 250.000 and [...]

Focal vibration device for the rehabilitation of patients with SCI

Alfons Carnicero, Master’s student of the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC), defended his Master’s thesis “Development of a vibrating device to enhance gait in patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries” on October 26th at ETSEIB (UPC) achieving the maximum grade. His work was carried out at Institut Guttmann, a worldwide leading neurorehabilitation hospital from Badalona, as part of the hospital’s research line on non-invasive stimulation. The device applies mechanical vibrations to specific lower limb muscles to activate the skeletal and neuromuscular systems, which might improve functional [...]

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