A proposal from the BIOMEC group was accepted to the OpenSim+ Advanced Workshop!

Researchers of the BIOMEC group, part of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UPC-BarecelonaTech, were selected to participate at the OpenSim+ Advanced Workshop that will take place in Stanford University (CA, USA), this coming March, 2025. Ana Carolina Cardoso De Sousa, Ph.D., Massimo Cenciarini, Ph.D., and Josep Maria Font-Llagunes, Ph.D., together with Carlos Gonçalves, a collaborator from Brazil, submitted a proposal titled "Simulating full-body dynamics in FES rowing: a new musculoskeletal framework for injury prevention and performance". Dr. Cenciarini will spend a few days with a team [...]

BIOMEC participated in the 4th International Multibody System Dynamics Workshop & Summer School in Milano

The Multibody Dynamics Workshop is an annual workshop jointly organised by Politecnico di Milano and Università di Parma that takes place in Italy. The PhD candidate Alessandra Favata had the opportunity to attend classes from the theoretical basis of multibody system dynamics to hands-on sessions with multibody dynamics simulation software. The speakers focused their attention on kinematics, dynamics and software simulation, with applications spreading among different fields, likewise the biomechanics.The participation of PhD students and professors coming from different countries and studying different fields created an international and [...]

2022-11-17T12:11:56+01:00November 17th, 2022|Biomechanics, News|0 Comments

CREB’s researcher, Josep Maria Font, at the 18th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control

The International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC) is held annually at the ASME IDETC-CIE Conference, and is a premier meeting event for professional networking and research exchange across the multibody systems and nonlinear dynamics technical community. The conference facilitates the dissemination of fundamental research in the enabling disciplines as well as research into their application to engineered or naturally occurring mechanical systems across all length and time scales. CREB’s researcher, Josep Maria Font, participated in the congress on August 15th [...]

2022-09-26T13:24:20+02:00September 26th, 2022|Biomechanics, Conference, News|0 Comments

The BIOMEC Lab participated at the ESB 2022 Congress in Porto

The BIOMEC Lab participated in the 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, which was held in Porto (Portugal) from the 26th to the 29th of June 2022. Míriam Febrer presented a study done in collaboration with the Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics at ETH Zürich (Switzerland). The main goal of this work was to apply musculoskeletal simulations of full body and joint level mechanics to establish realistic boundary conditions for future computational investigations of total knee replacement wear. Particularly inspiring were the keynote [...]

2022-08-26T15:49:37+02:00August 26th, 2022|Biomechanics, News|0 Comments

BIOMEC is involved in the design of a hybrid exoskeleton for spinal cord injuries

The Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) participates, together with the Biomechanics Unit of the National Hospital for Paraplegics (HNP), the Neural Rehabilitation Group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Guttmann Institute of Barcelona, in the TAILOR project, whose objective is the development of customizable robotic and neuroprosthetic modular systems for gait assistance in patients with spinal cord injury. At the annual meeting of this scientific and technological consortium, which took place on February 7 at the HNP, the scientists and engineers shared the progress [...]

2022-02-11T16:37:30+01:00February 11th, 2022|Biomechanics, Exoskeleton, News, University|0 Comments

New journal article “Evaluation of Optimal Control Approaches for Predicting Active Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis Motion for Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury”

Míriam Febrer and Josep Maria Font, from the BIOMEC Lab, have published the paper “Evaluation of Optimal Control Approaches for Predicting Active Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis Motion for Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury” in the journal Frontiers in Neurobotics. This research has been carried out in collaboration with B.J. Fregly from the Rice Computational Biomechanics Lab (USA), within the framework of the HYBOR project and a Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators. This study investigates whether use of a computational approach to personalize pre-defined knee trajectory parameters for an active knee-ankle-foot [...]

2022-02-02T09:21:17+01:00February 2nd, 2022|Biomechanics, News|0 Comments

The BIOMEC Lab participated in the X Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics

This annual meeting allows the different research groups to present their latest developments and encourages the presence of their youngest researchers. Moreover, several discussion forums are established between engineers and physicians and hospitals, since they are well aware of society’s needs in this field. But also, forums between the Network and industry are favoured, as they are able to develop the products that society demands.BIOMEC researchers presented a study of a device for improving the gait of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The study was developed as Paula Comas’ final degree [...]

2021-12-01T15:40:32+01:00December 1st, 2021|Biomechanics, News|0 Comments

BIOMEC receives the UPC Award for Social Commitment in the field of Inclusion

The BIOMEC research group has received the UPC Award for Social Commitment 2021 in the field of Inclusion. This recognition has been awarded to the project "Technology for the improvement of inclusion and quality of life of people with neuromuscular diseases". The jury highlighted the importance of the contribution in the field of neuromuscular diseases, carried out in collaboration with relevant clinical centers such as the Institut Guttmann, the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital or the Heidelberg University Hospital. Also with patient associations, such [...]

2021-10-08T06:51:43+02:00October 8th, 2021|Award, Biomechanics, CREB, News, Project|0 Comments

New journal article “Systematic review on wearable lower‑limb exoskeletons for gait training in neuromuscular impairments”

Antonio Rodríguez, Joan Lobo and Josep Maria Font, from the BIOMEC Lab, have published the paper “Systematic review on wearable lower‑limb exoskeletons for gait training in neuromuscular impairments” in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. The review provides a comprehensive overview on wearable lower-limb powered exoskeletons for overground training that are intended for use with people who have gait disorders due to neuromuscular impairments. The article also provides a thorough discussion regarding the current evidence on the clinical efficacy of this technology. The work has [...]

2021-02-18T10:11:29+01:00February 18th, 2021|Biomechanics, Design, Exoskeleton, Journal Article, magazine, News|0 Comments

New journal article “Prediction of three-dimensional crutch walking patterns using a torque-driven model”

Míriam Febrer, Roger Pallarès and Josep Maria Font, from the BIOMEC Lab, have published the paper “Prediction of three-dimensional crutch walking patterns using a torque-driven model” in the journal Multibody System Dynamics. This research has been carried out in collaboration with B.J. Fregly from the Rice Computational Biomechanics Lab (USA), within the framework of the HYBOR project and a Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators. The article is available using the following link: https://rdcu.be/b5jeY Abstract Computational prediction of 3D crutch-assisted walking patterns is [...]

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