New journal article “Prediction of three-dimensional crutch walking patterns using a torque-driven model”

Míriam Febrer, Roger Pallarès and Josep Maria Font, from the BIOMEC Lab, have published the paper “Prediction of three-dimensional crutch walking patterns using a torque-driven model” in the journal Multibody System Dynamics. This research has been carried out in collaboration with B.J. Fregly from the Rice Computational Biomechanics Lab (USA), within the framework of the HYBOR project and a Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators. The article is available using the following link: Abstract Computational prediction of 3D crutch-assisted walking patterns is [...]

BIOMEC organizes the annual meeting of the Spanish Network in Biomechanics Research

On February 18th, the BIOMEC Lab organized a the annual meeting of the Spanish Network in Biomechanics Research. This network consists of 10 research groups in Biomechanics from all over Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Sevilla, Badajoz, Castellón and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria). The meeting took place at the Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB) at the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB). Each research lab presented its lines of work with the aim to create synergies for future collaborations among the groups of [...]

2020-02-28T15:40:00+01:00February 28th, 2020|Biomechanics, News|0 Comments

Duchenne Parent Project Spain supports the MOVit Game project coordinated by the BIOMEC Lab

Duchenne Parent Project Spain has funded the MOVit Game project led by Joan Lobo, Josep Maria Font and Daniela Tost from the Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB) of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), and in collaboration with the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC-UPC). The project aims to develop an interactive gaming platform to promote the physical activity of people with Duchenne using the MOVit wheelchair. This wheelchair has as a differentiating fact that the direction [...]

2020-02-21T15:21:44+01:00February 21st, 2020|News, Project|0 Comments

Kick off meeting of the TAILOR project

On October 2, the kick off meeting of the TAILOR project: Personalized Robotic and Neuroprosthetic Modular Wearable Systems for Assistance of Impaired Walking (RTI2018-097290-B) took place at the ETSEIB. This project has been funded in the "Retos Investigación" call of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the period 2019-2021. This is a coordinated project in which collaborate the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) of UPC, the Neural Rehabilitation Group of the Cajal Institute CSIC, the National Hospital of Paraplegics and Institut Guttmann. Summary of [...]

2019-12-05T20:14:18+01:00December 5th, 2019|News, Project|0 Comments

Research seminar by Dr. József Kövecses, McGill University, on June 7th

Dr. József Kövecses, head of the Applied Dynamics Group, McGill University, will give a research seminar at ETSEIB on June 7th at 10:30. This seminar is organized by the BIOMEC research group with whom the Canadian professor actively collaborates. Information about the seminar Task and Information Driven Modelling of Mechanical Systems József Kövecses and Albert Peiret Department of Mechanical Engineering and Centre for Intelligent Machines McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada Abstract New technologies require modelling approaches that provide interfacing possibilities to various model representations. [...]

2019-06-11T17:32:09+02:00June 3rd, 2019|Biomechanics, News, University|0 Comments

New journal article “Impact of friction and gait parameters on the optimization of series elastic actuators for gait assistance”

Professors Daniel Clos and Josep Maria Font, from the BIOMEC research lab, have published the paper Impact of friction and gait parameters on the optimization of series elastic actuators for gait assistance in the journal Mechanism and Machine Theory. This research has been carried out in collaboration with the Institute for Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering of TU Darmstadt (Germany), within the frame of the HYBOR project. Highlights Parametric study of the performance of a (clutchable) series elastic actuator. Gait parameters and friction strongly impact [...]

2019-05-06T20:30:47+02:00April 29th, 2019|Journal Article, News, Project|0 Comments

Research seminars by Dr. Hossein Rouhani from University of Alberta organized by the BIOMEC Lab

The week from April 29th to May 3rd Dr. Hossein Rouhani, principal investigator of the Neuromuscular Control & Biomechanics Laboratory at University of Alberta (Canada), will visit the BIOMEC Lab. In the frame of this visit, the researcher will give two seminars: Seminar 1: Kinematics and kinetics assessment of multi-segment spinal column: Estimation and compensation of motion capture errors In-vivo measurement and interpretation of inter-vertebral angles and moments are important for clinical evaluations and developing injury prevention and rehabilitation strategies. Motion assessment of the human [...]

2019-06-09T08:35:58+02:00April 20th, 2019|Biomechanics, News, University|0 Comments

The BIOMEC Lab participates in a pioneering project to introduce exoskeletons to the automotive industry

The use of exoskeletons in automotive industrial production processes can reduce the muscular effort of workers by up to 60%. This figure is derived from a study, driven by the Cluster of the Automotive Industry of Catalonia (CIAC), in a controlled environment with Nissan and Meleghy Automotive workers who have tested exoskeletons in the lower limb area, in maintained positions. In addition to the entities mentioned above, the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UPC, the Catalan Institute of [...]

2019-05-06T20:25:02+02:00February 15th, 2019|Exoskeleton, News, Project, Spinal cord injury, University|0 Comments

BIOMEC appears in the TV programme Deuwatts

On May 28th, the BIOMEC Lab appeared in the TV programme Deuwatts of Betevé related to Biomedical Engineering in Catalan universities and institutes. The programme counted with the participation of other groups of the UPC Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CREB), and colleagues from UPF BCN MedTech and IBEC. In this programme, Josep Maria Font explained the research of the group on the ABLE project. The programme is posted below or you can also access it through the following link.    

BIOMEC receives one of the five OpenSim Outstanding Researcher Award 2017

Josep Maria Font received in October 2017 one of the five “Outstanding Researcher Award”, given by the National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation (NCSRR), for the project “Personalized robotic exoskeleton controller design for assisted walking”, in collaboration with Dr. B.J. Fregly (RCNL, Rice University). This award has permitted the BIOMEC Lab to participate in the Advanced Users Workshop organized by OpenSim at Stanford (Palo Alto, California), between the 28th and the 30th of March 2018. It has been a great opportunity to interact with OpenSim [...]

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