A proposal from the BIOMEC group was accepted to the OpenSim+ Advanced Workshop!

Researchers of the BIOMEC group, part of the Mechanical Engineering Department at UPC-BarecelonaTech, were selected to participate at the OpenSim+ Advanced Workshop that will take place in Stanford University (CA, USA), this coming March, 2025. Ana Carolina Cardoso De Sousa, Ph.D., Massimo Cenciarini, Ph.D., and Josep Maria Font-Llagunes, Ph.D., together with Carlos Gonçalves, a collaborator from Brazil, submitted a proposal titled "Simulating full-body dynamics in FES rowing: a new musculoskeletal framework for injury prevention and performance". Dr. Cenciarini will spend a few days with a team [...]

New article of the lab on running gait impact dynamics

One of the research lines of the Biomechanical Engineering Lab at CREB is the study of the foot-ground contact dynamics. The impact of the foot with the ground is a critical event when it is running. The high contact forces developed are the main cause of energy loss during the movement and can lead to different musculoskeletal injuries. There are a number of runners that consider whether it is better to run with forefoot or heel impact. Based on the experimental data obtained in [...]

Lagrange Award for the best PhD Thesis on Multibody Dynamics

The Springer outstanding PhD thesis prize, also denominated as Lagrange Award for the best PhD research on Multibody Dynamics has been established in 2017 by Springer and the IFToMM Technical Committee for Multibody Dynamics with the aim of recognizing the outstanding achievements of a young researcher (under 35 years old) at the early stage of their scientific career. The Lagrange award will be given annually to recognize the most successful PhD thesis on Multibody Dynamics over the prior year as judged by the evaluation committee. The winner will receive a 1000 € [...]

2017-12-16T12:03:20+01:00December 16th, 2017|Award, Biomechanics, Conference, Multibody Dynamics, Simulation|0 Comments

BIOMEC researchers at Multibody 2017 and ESB 2017

The Biomechanical Engineering Lab assisted to the 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics held in Prague (Czech Republic) from 19th to 22nd June 2017, and to the 23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) in Seville (Spain), from the 2nd to the 5th of July 2017. ECCOMAS Multibody 2017 The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics is an international meeting, focused on all aspects of multibody dynamics, held once every two years in a European country. This year it was hold [...]

New book on Multibody Dynamics edited by Springer

The prestigious editorial Springer has recently released the book Multibody Dynamics. Computational Methods and Applications, edited by Josep M. Font-Llagunes. Each book chapter contains a revised and extended version of a paper that was presented at the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015 held in the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, on June 29 - July 2, 2015. The conference was organized by the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona, and brought together 360 participants from [...]

2017-11-29T17:32:03+01:00August 30th, 2016|Book, Multibody Dynamics|0 Comments
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