Project Description
Principal Investigator: Josep Maria Font Llagunes
Funding company: Medcom Tech, S.A.
Duration: 03/2016 – 12/2016
Amount: 15 000 EUR
Project in collaboration with the Hip Unit of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital
The objective of the project is to analyze the postoperative gait of 12 volunteers with total hip arthroplasty, being 6 operated with direct anterior approach and the other 6 with posterolateral approach. Moreover, the study will also consider sit-to-stand and stair climbing movements. The analysis will provide the clinicians of the Hip Unit of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona) with the following biomechanical data: gait velocity and velocity of execution of the other movements, cadence and stride length, joint angles, normalized joint torques, and normalized joint mechanical powers.
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