Project Description

Principal Investigator: Joan Lobo Prat
Funding organization: Own Funded
Duration: 01/12/2019 – ongoing
Collaboration with Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRI-CSIC) and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.


Wearable sensing technology is proving useful for promoting health and fitness for the general public and athletes, however almost none is tailored to people with movement impairments. For devices targeting home-based rehabilitation, it is crucial to have robust and non-obtrusive sensors capable of measuring activity for long periods of time outside of a laboratory environment. Studies focusing on continuous monitoring of arm activity during daily life over weeks or months only use IMU sensors or accelerometers at the wrist, and do not capture multi-segment kinematics. The ArmTracker project aims at developing and evaluating a wearable sensing system that can gather continuous information on arm kinematics. This information will be used to optimize the amount of arm use during daily life, facilitate subject-specific rehabilitation programs, and ultimately overcome secondary physical deterioration.

Project Publications

V. A. Carmona-Ortizy, J.Lobo-Prat, J. Van Ruysevelt C. Torras, and J.M. Font-Llagunes, Development and Pilot Evaluation of the ArmTracker: a Wearable System to Monitor arm Kinematics During Daily Life. 2020 8th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. 2020.