Project Description
Principal Investigator: Josep Maria Font Llagunes
Project Reference: 9-INCREC-12
Funding organization: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Duration: 06/2009 – 05/2011
Amount: 11 000 EUR
The aim of the project is to set up a new research group at UPC with the vision of analyzing the biomechanics of human movement by means of multibody dynamic models of the human body. In the first part of the project, the inverse dynamics of human normal gait will be considered. Secondly, the movement analysis of pathological gait will be considered, e.g., that of incomplete spinal cord injured subjects. The use of inverse dynamics requires the experimental measurement of movement through an optical system and ground reaction forces through force plates. The group will acquire this equipment thanks to competitive funds. The developed models will serve at a further stage for the design and simulation of assistive devices.

I am so interesting in this research
Thank you so much, Khaled!